In the sport and active recreation sector the Northern Territory (NT) Government is taking incremental steps towards easing restrictions put in place to combat coronavirus (COVID-19). A three stage process has been outlined for the resumption of sport and active recreation activities in the NT.
Equestrian activities resumed under Stage 1, 1 May 2020 for the purposes of traning. Equestrian compeition resumes under Stage 3, 5 June 2020.
Equestrian NT and our affiliated clubs have COVID-19 Safety Plans. Each equestrian activity you particiapte in, familiarise yourself with the events COVID-19 requirements prior to the event. However the following key principles apply to physical distancing and hygiene:
Physical Distancing
In accordnce with NT Chief Heath Officer advice number 30. physical distancing principles now requires a minimum space of 1.5 metres between you and other people who aren’t known to you.
Practice good hygiene, including regular hand washing, covering a sneeze or cough with your elbow or a tissue. Avoid physical contacts such as high fives, handshakes, huddles, hugs and kisses
Health and Wellbing
If you have flu-like symptoms, please stay home. If you present to an event/activity with any flu-like symptoms you may be asked to leave.
Equestrian NT (ENT) continued priority is the safety of our members and the community.
ENT sought clarification on the Chief Health Officer (CHO) advice #18. The following advice has been provided by the CHO and the Deputy CHO.
- Litchfield Council reserves and Freds Pass Reserve can remain accessible to the public for solitary exercise.
- No events or gatherings are permitted in the reserves but the public can continue to utilise the space for exercise.
- This includes people exercising their horses as part of their standard care for their animals.
- Horse riding and pony riding can continue to occur but must be solitary and no organised gatherings of horse riders clubs or pony clubs are to occur. The clubs are closed but the animals still need to be cared for and this includes regular exercise.
This advice extends to the management of agistment facilities.
ENT would like to reiterate the upmost importance of:
- Social distancing. Staying apart is key to diminishing the spread of the virus.
- Practice best practice hygiene in accordance with the WHO. Wash your hands regularly, do not share tack or other equipment, disinfect.
- Stay informed. All information relating to the NT can be found at [email protected] including updates from the CHO.
If you have any questions/concerns or would just like to talk, the ENT Board and its management team are here to support you.
Anne-Marie Cruickshank
Chair, Equestrian Northern Territory
Equestrian NT (ENT) continued prior is the safety of our members and community.
Sunday 29 March, the Australian Government announced further changes:
- Public playgrounds and skate parks will be closed
- Exercise boot camps will be reduced to two people
- Public gatherings reduced to two people – unless immediate family
- All people aged 70 and over should stay at home
- Travel should be reduced to essential only such as attending work or school if unable to be home school. Groceries, and medical assistance
The Chief Minister is encouraging all Territorians to follow the new expert health advice limiting outdoor gatherings to two people (except for your family).
At this stage this will not be enforced by the police, but they will continue to make sure people don’t gather in groups of ten or more.
For all our members who have their horses in agistment, please make contact with your provider so you fully understand how you will be able to access your facility now and in the event of isolation requirements. ENT is able to work with your providers should they need any assistance developing a risk management program for this event.
If your horse is in agistment, when caring for your horse:
- Observe social distancing protocol. For more information visit https://www.health.gov.au/…/coronavirus-covid-19-informatio…
Social distancing is important as it includes ways to stop or slow the spread of the virus.
- Only use your own grooming kit, tack and equipment, do not share your equipment with other people.
- When arranging a vets and other professional services (e.g. farriers) ensure they adhere to social distancing and hygiene requirements.
For further information visit www.coronavirus.nt.gov.au
These changes are impacting all our lives, but necessary to save lives and return the Territory back to usual sooner rather than later.
Anne-Marie Cruickshank
Chair, Equestrian NT
Equestrian NT (ENT) continued priority is the safety of our members and community.
Yesterday, the Australian Government announced that non-essential gatherings were suspended for an initial four weeks period to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) and to give both businesses and people time to fully understand social distancing requirements.
For more information visit the NT Government website CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)
People being able to continue to work is essential to keep the economy stable. EA ACCREDITED COACHES are able to continue to work and provide their students with training and coaching. Coaches are compelled to comply with the following protocols, that are directives of Equestrian Australia, State and Federal Government, as at 4pm this afternoon:
- NO group lessons. Lessons must be 1:1 and outdoors. The Freds Pass Reserve Indoor Arena will be considered outdoors as it is not an enclosed structure.
- You must not attend a lesson if:
- You are at higher risk i.e. 60 years of age or over or have an existing medical condition
- Have recently returned from overseas, interstate or exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 within a 14 day period of your lesson. If you have as per NT Government sanctions you must be self-isolated for 14 days on return to the NT, or in contact with an infectious person.
- You must not attend the lesson if you have any flu like symptoms – not matter how mild. Vice versa the Coach must not conduct any lessons if they are experience any flu like symptoms.
- No physical contact with the coach and/or rider.
- No amenities to be provided. Be prepared to be self-sufficient. If communal toilets or wash bays are to be used, they must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between use in accordance with WHO best practice hygiene guidelines.
- Only essential participants to attend the lesson i.e. coach/member, in the event of a child, please reduce to one parent/career only – no additional siblings or family members. If you’re unable to do this please do not attend the lesson.
- No sharing of equipment.
- If the coach is conducting lessons at their place of business, make contact before you arrive so you understand any restrictions i.e. parking, amenities etc. The coach is responsible to conduct their own risk management plan at their site, and implement any necessary steps to mitigate risk.
- Social distancing, social distancing, social distancing – we can’t say this enough. Riders must not congregate prior to or after their lessons. Do what you have gone to do and vacate the premises.
- Comply with all State and Federal Government requirements.
With advice changing rapidly it is challenging to keep up with the requirements. The ENT Board and its management team are committed to providing regular updates to our members, and when advice changes.
No measure or request should be deemed over the top or unnecessary. We can’t stress enough we all need to play our role and do the right things.
This is as a timely reminder that from 11.59pm 25 March, all social sporting-based activities is a prohibited activity. Please keep this in mind when organising trail rides.
The ENT Board and our management team are here for your support. If you have any questions, are unsure, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Anne-Marie Cruickshank
Chair, Equestrian NT
Equestrian NT (ENT) wants to remind all of our members and affiliated clubs the upmost importance of social distancing, following government regulations, and keeping best practice hygiene to flatten the curve of this virus and not to place unnecessary pressure on our Territory health system.
We are all desperate to return to our usual competition, training, and social camaraderie between riders, but for now we must keep calm, act responsibly and do the right thing.
As of 4pm Tuesday 24 March, the NT borders will be closed, with an expectation they will be closed for a period of 6 months. As a result the following events are cancelled:- All NT Dressage Squad clinics with Daniella Dierks in Darwin
- April and August Dressage clinics with Jodie Dunstan in Alice Springs
- May and July Jumping clinics with Clive Reed in Alice Springs
- June Show Horse clinic with Jess Stones in Darwin
- ENT Show Horse and Rider Championships
- ENT Jumping Championships
- ENT Dressage Championships
ENT along with all other NT peak sporting bodies, is meeting weekly with the Department of Tourism, Sport and Culture. IF the situation changed for the better, it may be possible to run the 2020 Prydes EasiFeed Pre Royal with local judges and course designers. On the basis of local officials, no firm decision has been made in relation to this event.When riding in public places, even if you’re exercising social distancing, in a public venue everyone shares the same wash bays, public toilets and other amenities. Please be mindful, the virus can survive on surfaces for a period of time.For our coaches, please remind your students of social distancing, best practice hygiene i.e. not sharing equipment, make sure students make own gear adjustments etc. Continually re-visit your risk assessment plan, and deploy and risk mitigation that is deemed necessary immediately.Please continue to visit the Secure NT website, and listen and follow the advice of the Chief Medical Officer.If we act now, hopefully we can return sooner rather than later.If any of our members have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our management team continue to work from home, and we are here for your support.
Chair, Equestrian Northern Territory
Equestrian Northern Territory (ENT) met last night, along with its affiliated clubs across the Territory. Whilst at present there are no known active cases in the NT, it was resounding that the safety of our members and the greater community is the priority. Prevention is key, being proactive to reduce the risk, and not place extra stress on the Territory’s health system.
Based on advice from Equestrian Australia (EA), monitoring the Coronavirus situation with local and national health authorities, and following suit of other Territory peak sporting bodies, ENT has made the decision to not hold any equestrian events or activities in the next 4 weeks.The following ENT events have been cancelled:- ENT Measuring 21 March- ENT Jumping Judge and Steward Accreditation Course 27-29 March- ENT Medication Control Swabbing Steward Course 4-5 April- ENT Dressage Squad Clinic with Daniella Dierks 9-13 AprilENTs affiliated clubs Darwin Dressage Club (DDC), Darwin Show Jumping Club (DSJC), Berrimah Riding Club (BRC), Alice Springs Dressage Club (ASDC) and Alice Springs Equestrian Management Group (ASEMG) will also be applying the 4 week cancellation period to all their events and activities.
Please refer directly to their websites and Facebook pages for additional information directly relating to their events.In addition NT Show Horse Association have advised they will be cancelling all events and activities for the remainder of March.ENT accredited coaches may continue to operate at their own risk assessment adopting world best practice hygiene protocols, and social distancing.The best way to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and other infectious diseases is to practice good hygiene:- Regularly washing your hands with soap and water- Using a tissue and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing- Avoiding close contact with others if you’re unwellMembers are encouraged to act responsibly and to stay at home if you feel unwell, and to seek medical advice is symptoms present.The ENT Board and its management team will continue to work closely with our affiliated and non-affiliated clubs, providing ongoing updates and new information as it becomes available.Thank you to all our members and clubs for your understanding during this challenging period.
Chair, Equestrian Northern Territory
Equestrian NT is continuing to monitor the situation closely seeking advice from the NT Heath Department and Equestrian Australia.
As our immediate and those of our affiliates do not exceed 500, at this stage immediate scheduled events will proceed as planned.
- For the safety of our members and the community as ask the following is observed:- good personal hygiene
- if you’re feeling unwell, please stay at home
- keep personal distance
- limit participants to those who need to be immediately there.We will make every attempt to provide you with the most update information via our Facebook page in a timely fashion.This is uncertain times for all of us, and we thank our members in advance for their cooperation and understanding. This situation is fluid and we all need to be flexible.
Equestrain Australia
Northern Territory Government
Looking after your mental health
- https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/looking-after-your-mental-health-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak
- https://www.lifeline.org.au/get-help/topics/mental-health-and-wellbeing-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak