2023 NT Dressage Squad - Positions Vacant
Becoming a member of the 2023 NT Dressage Squad is a fantastic way to access consistent training and mentoring from one of Australia’s top rider, coach and trainer, with coach Daniella Dierks.
On becoming a squad member, you commit to the following terms and conditions:
Condition 1
Must be a current financial member of Equestrian Northern Territory (ENT) in the membership category of a:
- Competitor Senior/Junior,
- Participant Senior/Junior or
- Recreational Senior/Junior
Condition 2
Financially committing to a minimum of 2 (maximum 3) lessons per clinic on the following dates:
- Clinic 1 – 21/23 April
- Clinic 2 – 12/13 May
- Clinic 3 – 23/25 June
- Clinic 4 – 14/16 July
- Clinic 5 – 18/20 August
The cost per lesson is $125 for 40 minutes 1:1, and all lessons will be conducted on the DDC Field at Freds Pass Reserve.
Condition 3
If opting for 2 lessons, 1 of your lessons must be taken on a Friday. Please note there is no guarantee of prior to or after work/school hours.
Condition 4
You commit to volunteering for either the set up or pack up of the dressage arena for each clinic.
Condition 5
There are no refunds for whichever reason if a squad member is unable to attend their lesson i.e. rider illness/injury or horse illness/injury and/or other. The only exception to this condition is COVID. If ENT cancels the clinic and/or lesson ENT will refund the monies. Throughout the year if you find you are unable to attend a lesson/clinic(s) you have the option to on sell them to another ENT member of your choosing, that meets the requirements of condition number 1.
Squad nominations will open via Nominate Thursday 12 January at 8pm and open until Monday 16 January 2023, at 5pm or when all spots are taken, whichever is the sooner. Please note each rider is limited to 1 spot only. When nominating you will be required to pay a deposit of $100 which will be deducted from your overall amount which will be invoiced to you. Your invoice can be paid off over regular instalments, however full payment for all 5 clinics is required to be paid in full by April 2023.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or phone 0497 303 535 during office hours.