EA Voluntary Administration Update and Next Steps
Dear Members,
We understand that members may have further questions about the Voluntary Administration process involving Equestrian Australia, thank you for your patience whilst Equestrian NT (ENT) also navigates its way through the process, ensuring there is a voice for our members.
On Monday evening the state chairs and CEOs meet with the Administrators, KordaMentha. Please see below link to the updated member FAQs
During this meeting, the timeline of the voluntary administration and the purpose of the first creditors meeting was discussed.
The first creditors meeting is scheduled for Friday 19 June 2020 10:30am (AEST) via Zoom. All current members of ENT as of 9 June 2020 are considered creditors of EA, regardless of age.
At the first creditors meeting held by the Administrators the following two motions will be decided on:
- The establishment of a Committee of Inspection, and who would be on it
- Whether the current Administrators should be replaced
There is two ways you can be involved in this meeting:
- In person
- By proxy
If you wish to attend in person, please complete and return the below form to [email protected] prior to Thursday 18 June 2020 10:30am (AEST)
Notice of electronic facilities meeting
If you wish to vote via proxy, please complete and return the below form to [email protected] prior to Thursday 18 June 2020 10:30am (AEST)
You will need your ENT membership number for both forms. Please email us at [email protected] if need your membership number.
If you are unable to attend in person the ENT Board is asking that you allocate your general proxy to Danila Lochrin, General Manager ENT. You also have the option to allocate your special proxy to Danila as well, both options are noted on the form.
To assist you with completing the form Sample of Appointment of Proxy.pdf
On advice from the ENT Board, we can let you know that Danila will be voting to reject both motions. The Board is of the opinion that the Administrator should not be changed while we believe the current Administrators are fair minded and independent and will operate in the best interest of the members and the sport. To change Administrators now would add considerable cost to the process.
Regarding the Committee of Inspection (COI) the ENT Board supports the Administrators recommendation that a COI is not required. However, if the motion were successful NT as small and isolated equestrian state, we would seek representation on the COI for our members.
We need our members support to give the Northern Territory a voice in the process. Should you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0497 303 535 or [email protected] or alternatively contact KordaMentha on (02) 8257 3014 or [email protected]
Anne-Marie Cruickshank
Chair, Equestrian Northern Territory