New Equestrian Northern Territory Board Announced
Just prior to last nights Annual General Meeting for Equestrian Northern Territory (ENT), Martin Evans retired as a Board Director.
Martin joined the Board as Director in 2019 and has been an active contributor to the Board. Martin comes from a business background and was a valued lead when it came to networking with our other state boards, and in particular campaigning to regain the NT vote under the Equestrian Australian Constitution.
The Board would like to acknowledge Martin for contributions he has made to the sport of equestrian during his time as a Director.
We welcome back Christine Edgoose who is the Boards new Chair residing in Alice Springs. Anne-Marie Cruickshank who will be supporting Christine in her new role as Vice Chair, and Michael Duckenfiled who is taking on the Treasury portfolio.
The Board also is welcomed by three new faces, Vicki Martin and Miya Fleming as Board Directors, and Melanie Cobbin as a twelve month casual appointment as Secretary.
All the positions on the ENT Board are volunteer roles. ENT is extremely grateful to our outgoing and current Directors for their commitment and contribution to equestrian sport in the NT.
Please visit our ENT Board page if you would like to know more information about the ENT current Directors.