NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Northern Territory on 28/03/2022.

NEW Strategic Plan 2022-2025

Equestrian Northern Territory (ENT) is pleased to be able to roll out its new Strategic Plan.

‘The development of the new Equestrian Northern Territory (ENT) Strategic Plan presented ENT with an opportunity to engage with as many stakeholders as possible to develop the new plan to support and grow equestrian sport in the Northern Territory’ said Anne-Marie Cruickshank, ENT Chair.

Key stakeholder engagement commenced in March 2021, bringing together affiliated clubs, coaches, judges, officials, and members.  There was representation throughout the Territory from Alice Springs up to Darwin.

The process took a little longer than initially anticipated facing COVID challenges in 2021. However, it was extremely important to the organisation that all stakeholder feedback was unpacked and carefully considered in the development of the plan.

The desire to get a strategic plan completed quickly relegates thinking to filling in the blanks on a work sheet. Instead, when key stakeholders are invited to a creative thinking step, itengages all participants and can energise the organisation.

‘It is a simple plan, but one that ENT believes will succeed with a unified all-inclusive approach, that will deliver benefits and opportunities to equestrians in the NT’

To learn more about the NEW Strategic Plan click HERE

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